Thursday, August 20, 2009

Awareness # 3

awareness number three

Author: Daniel Edstrom

Welcome friends and visitors to the ongoing saga of supreme intelligences media. We are going to write about what we believe to be, awareness number three.

For those of you who are familiar with the plant totem project, we had the healthiest tomato plants flourishing from one of the totems, and one day when I returned home from work, I noticed that some of the leaves were missing from the plants. I shrugged it off to the wind until the next day I noticed almost all of the leaves were gone! And to my surprise, upon closer viewing, there was a big, fat, bright, green worm munching away on one of the few leaves that were still standing.

As usual my ego took control and I swiftly brought that beautiful creature's life to an end. You killed my tomato plants and I killed you. I thought nothing more of it. A couple weeks went by and ironically, I still was able to harvest a relatively small crop of cherry tomatoes.

A Southern evening was coming down as I was relaxing on my front porch. An area in between my toes on my right foot, began to itch. As I looked at my foot from time to time, I noticed what seemed to be a red inflamed track heading haphazardly across my foot. After doing research and visiting my dermatologist, I learned that I had contracted a parasite that came from my brother's cats. It was called hook worm.

Let's see here, a parasite almost destroyed my tomato plants, and a parasite created havoc to my foot. Could this be a link to the supreme intelligence? Relax, breathe in deep, and meditate. A parasite is a living creature that depends on another living creature for its survival. My tomato plants were yielding its leaves ever so willingly to the worm. Supreme intelligence has set forth harmonious relationships between parasites and hosts. But what happens when the parasite threatens the survival of the host or in smaller scale, merely aggravates the host? In my particular case, I was severely aggravated and therefore motivated to take the steps of annihilation necessary to procure a rather untimely death to another intelligent species.

A rather large parasitical spectrum is now being unfolded in front of me. From the infinite microscopic direction, to the what is larger than me universe. And then we think about the earth. Is the earth a living organism? Yes it is. Are human beings parasites to the earth? Yes we are. Is it possible that the earth is starting to recognize what affects human beings are having upon it?

Awareness number three. It is in our best interest that we take the steps necessary, now, to prevent the earth from dying. It is also paramount to ease mother Earth's aggravation with human beings before it is too late for us. Awareness number three is about timing, it's about now.

About the Author:

Article Source: - awareness number three

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