Thursday, August 26, 2010

Awareness Number Four

Awareness Number Four [Reasons Why Not To Mow The Yard]

By: Daniel Lee Edstrom


1. Mowing grass causes air-born toxic emissions. Anytime a plant is eaten or cut down, it goes into a self-preservation mode.

a. The damaged plant sends electrical impulses to it's root system telling it to produce a toxic enzyme for the purpose of warding off further destruction.

b. The damaged plant also sends a genesis signal to the roots that will cause the growth of the plant to switch into high gear. The plant then grows at an abnormal speed in a state of toxicity until it's threat of extinction is no longer. This promotes a local air atmosphere of toxicity that lingers in hopes of warding off further destruction from air-breathing creatures. Some of the side effects for humans may include; hay fever, labored breathing, coughing, sneezing, runny nose, acute asthma,and nausea.


2 .Mowing increases the pesky bug population.

a.The miraculous eco-system that you have just cut down, has driven away an arsenal of would-be predators of gnats, flies, and mosquitoes.The pesky bugs can now fly around with less fear of being consumed. They are also filled with the toxins from the air-born aftermath, thus, birds and other would-be flying predators will stay away from them until the conditions return to normal.


3. Labor and equipment cost.

a. First you have the initial cost of the lawnmower,

b. Second you have the perpetual cost of fuel and oil.

c. Third you have the cost of maintaining and fixing your lawnmower [unless you are one of those people who are fortunate enough to have a mechanic in the family, but even then, you must rely upon their charity every time you have a mechanical need.]

d. Fourth, your time is money if not for the fact that you could be spending more time on better endeavors that may be important to you.


4. Noise Pollution

a. For a considerable portion of your day, the lawn mower engine noise will strip the peace and solitude as well as drown out and drive away many beautiful song birds [that also eat pesky bugs I might add.] that were also once thriving around your yard space.


So why don't we save ourself a lot of time and money, sprinkle some wildflower seeds around and maybe cut just enough for a little winding walkway, and enjoy our yard's little eco-system?We will all breathe alot easier especially when we realize all the time, energy, and money that we are saving!

About the Author

It\\\\\\\'s not about me.

(ArticlesBase SC #3130169)

Article Source: - Awareness Number Four [Reasons Why Not To Mow The Yard]

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Awareness # 3

awareness number three

Author: Daniel Edstrom

Welcome friends and visitors to the ongoing saga of supreme intelligences media. We are going to write about what we believe to be, awareness number three.

For those of you who are familiar with the plant totem project, we had the healthiest tomato plants flourishing from one of the totems, and one day when I returned home from work, I noticed that some of the leaves were missing from the plants. I shrugged it off to the wind until the next day I noticed almost all of the leaves were gone! And to my surprise, upon closer viewing, there was a big, fat, bright, green worm munching away on one of the few leaves that were still standing.

As usual my ego took control and I swiftly brought that beautiful creature's life to an end. You killed my tomato plants and I killed you. I thought nothing more of it. A couple weeks went by and ironically, I still was able to harvest a relatively small crop of cherry tomatoes.

A Southern evening was coming down as I was relaxing on my front porch. An area in between my toes on my right foot, began to itch. As I looked at my foot from time to time, I noticed what seemed to be a red inflamed track heading haphazardly across my foot. After doing research and visiting my dermatologist, I learned that I had contracted a parasite that came from my brother's cats. It was called hook worm.

Let's see here, a parasite almost destroyed my tomato plants, and a parasite created havoc to my foot. Could this be a link to the supreme intelligence? Relax, breathe in deep, and meditate. A parasite is a living creature that depends on another living creature for its survival. My tomato plants were yielding its leaves ever so willingly to the worm. Supreme intelligence has set forth harmonious relationships between parasites and hosts. But what happens when the parasite threatens the survival of the host or in smaller scale, merely aggravates the host? In my particular case, I was severely aggravated and therefore motivated to take the steps of annihilation necessary to procure a rather untimely death to another intelligent species.

A rather large parasitical spectrum is now being unfolded in front of me. From the infinite microscopic direction, to the what is larger than me universe. And then we think about the earth. Is the earth a living organism? Yes it is. Are human beings parasites to the earth? Yes we are. Is it possible that the earth is starting to recognize what affects human beings are having upon it?

Awareness number three. It is in our best interest that we take the steps necessary, now, to prevent the earth from dying. It is also paramount to ease mother Earth's aggravation with human beings before it is too late for us. Awareness number three is about timing, it's about now.

About the Author:

Article Source: - awareness number three

Monday, May 4, 2009

Welcome friends to plant totem 09. Here are some pictures of "The Food Can Nursery". I am not happy with the parameters and preparing the cans for outdoor use consumed too much time and resources. Solution....nursery # 3 shall be called; "pvc nursery". I intend to cut up 4" pieces of pvc and go with it in that direction. Oh and by the way "the meeting of the minds was a failure as nobody showed. Solution....I shall increase media coverage as well as lead time....enjoy.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Plant Totem phase 2 international conference"the meeting of the minds"

Welcome world to Jan. 2, 2009 international conference "the meeting of the minds". Created to generate relevant input for phase 2 of Plant Totem. Basically we are wanting practical design theories for patio applications. Present thought flows thus far; 1.Plastic reservoir basin that will hold regenerated water and stabilize the totem as well.
2.Decide hight parameters.
3.Discuss water reclamation theories [water pump]
4.Fengshui issues [water fountain effect at top or not?]
5.Misc. thoughts and ideas.
The conference invitation was posted in "Avant Garde" as an experimental video and, at first, was turned down. Details below;

Haines City: Supreme Intelligences Media
7:15 pm eastern standard, Florida
Project Plant Totem phase one [online conference].
Plant totems came from my awareness of supreme intelligences and alignment with physical form. Even though words can't come close to the true essence of spirit, we are calling this the "awareness and alignment theory". the word "plant totem" was derrived from "plant" meaning plant and "totem" from the word "totem pole" as the plant totem resembles a totem pole and is also spiritual in nature.[Http://]. We shall be holding an online open conference "meeting of the minds" with the founder of the plant totem; Daniel Lee Edstrom."We will be examining phase one of the project in hopes that an open international discussion shall bring about various design solutions, a validation of existence, and the foundation architect of phase two. All relevent entities are invited. By way of Yahoo Messenger, send invitation to view cam to; between 7:00 & 7:15 pm eastern standard time Jan. 2, 2009. End time @ 8:15 pm eastern standardThese events don't seem to have anything to do with experimental film and
video, and will be removed.
At 02:27 PM 12/28/2008 -0800, you wrote:
>How do I send invitations to my contacts?

Dear Scott, thank you for your swift reply and honorable judgement of my new video project "plant totem".And in the light of future submittals to the "avant garde" format requirements, please review the following characteristics of "Plant Totem" and advise us as to how they do not fall into the experimental realm that Flicker is promoting.

1.Mainstream cinema uses characters...plant totem does not.
2.Mainstream movie makers confront their objects head on or from the top down..plant totem video starts the shoot from the bottom, or underside of the object and moves outward and upward.
3.Mainstream movies assign more than one person to do the directing,producing,lighting,music, etc.....plant totem assigns one person to multi-task.
4.Mainstream documentaries film real situations that exist...plant totem films a real situation that may exist in the future.
5.The average movie or documentary lasts longer than 45 minutes....plant totem was filmed in under 15.
6.Once a mainstream movie is made, it will never be changed save for alternate endings or sequals....plant totem is the only film we are aware of that will always be undergoing a functional metamorphisis directly influenced by free public forums and discussion critiques such as this.
In closing, we would like to ask your group to please reconsider the fact that it is not so much about the film itself, but the way in which it is being created. Imagine in the future, movies and films that are authored and directed by the collective conscious effort of the many and not the self-indulgent few....
Sincerely...Daniel Lee of plant totem and founder of supreme intelligences media

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Design Update

Welcome again to plant totem! First of all we have to say congratulations to plant totem [ground application] for passing it's first high winds test that was given by the remnants of hurricane Faye[applause],[sustained 40-50mph].

Cherry tomatoes yield @ 100-150
salad greens perpetual yields @ 50 large servings
okra doing extremely well with perpetual yields x 4

plant support needed for tomatoes and okra[tie supports are easily attached to above plant bases].

food cans will be used on next installation
balcony and water reclaimation applications still in engineering
plants seem to prefer perferated [p-holes]sructures instead of solid

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Plant totems came from my awareness of supreme intelligences and alignment with physical form. Even though words can't come close to the true essence of spirit, we are calling this the "awareness and alignment theory". the word "plant totem" was derrived from "plant" meaning plant and "totem" from the word "totem pole" as the plant totem resembles a totem pole and is also spiritual in nature.

Jan. 2 2009 international online conference free viewing of phase one.

Create your own power!